
How to use:
Type the romaji for the month and day in the answer box. If it matches the answer key, the box will automatically clear and a new month and day will show.
To see the answer, click the 'Display Answer' button.

Input format: month + day, e.g. 'ichigatsu tsuitachi' for 一月一日. Spaces don't matter (i.e. 'ichi gatsu tsuitachi' is also accepted).

Bug/error reports: please email khii (at)

1st / 一日: tsuitachi
2nd / 二日: futsuka
3rd / 三日: mikka
4th / 四日: yokka
5th / 五日: itsuka
6th / 六日: muika
7th / 七日: nanoka
8th / 八日: youka
9th / 九日: kokonoka
10th / 十日: tooka
14th / 十四日: juuyokka
20th / 二十日: hatsuka
24th / 二十四日: nijuuyokka